Advice For a Successful Marriage

From a (former) Divorce Attorney

Advice For a Successful Marriage


To find out more about the mistakes couples make during their marriage and how to prevent them before it leads you to court, grab this book today!

Thomas has heard all of these questions before. With over twenty years of experience as a divorce attorney, he knows what went wrong and what was missing in a successful marriage. (Hint: It does not start with the letter “L”) Divorce is never pretty, so finding out the signs leading up to it is a must for a couple.

This is not a self-help book. This is a self-rescue book. He has been in and out of court representing clients on either side of a marriage. He has seen almost everything and heard and experienced almost everything from the vantage point of his clients, their families, and the courtroom. 

How do you define a successful marriage? Why is it important to try to have a successful marriage? What should you provide in a marriage? What should you actively seek and provide in a marriage?

How do you define a successful marriage?

This is a
self-rescue book. 

This is not a
self-help book.

This is a self-rescue book. 

This is not a self-help book.

If your answer is 'Yes' to any of the above, this book is for you!

Seeking a different and unique perspective and approach? 

Know someone that has questions or concerns about their relationship? 

Feeling stuck in a relationship with no answers? 

Thinking about divorce or separation? 

Are you married, about to get married, or in a serious relationship?

Yes, this book is for you if any of these questions apply to your situation.

Is this book for me?

If You're Wondering

What I love most is the author's humility, authenticity and humor (GO PUFFERFISH; WE'VE ALL BEEN THERE)! At no point is this book preachy in any way. Instead it's packed with helpful, thoughtful, truthful yet funny stories and activities about "what went wrong" so people can "go right."

 Bruce S

"This book is super-easy to read, sage advice from a two-plus decade experienced attorney who clearly understands people!

Simple, useful advice.

What a former divorce attorney has learned from his clients.

What you must actively seek and provide in your marriage or partnership.

Essential questions you must ask and answer in your relationship.

Where your successful marriage starts. 

How to define your successful marriage.

Discover the essential insights and lessons for a successful marriage.

Takeaways From the Book

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Thomas Pierce is a lawyer, counselor, diehard advocate by day and a renegade author by night. He previously spent a bulk of his life and career in the family law arena, working tirelessly to help and protect clients and their families during divorce and thereafter. His efforts have now shifted to providing commentary and guidance to help people before they visit a divorce attorney.

Meet the author

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